I had done writeup or walkthrough of hacksudo FOG in the previous post. Likewise, I will be doing the same for hacksudo LPE in this post. However, a side note here, we can anticipate some update on this machine as evident from the description of the machine.
Machine Link: https://www.vulnhub.com/entry/hacksudo-lpe,698/
Hacksudo FOG Walkthrough – Writeup – Vulnhub
Identify target
The first step of enumeration is to identify the IP address of the target.
fping -aqg
Run port scan
Next, I have to find services that we can interact with by finding open ports.
nmap -T4 -p- -sC -sV --min-rate=1000
So, I found out that we have some websites hosted in two different ports. Therefore, I am going to look into the websites and their source if I could find any interesting thing.
I found the login credentials for the website at port 80. Hence, I could use them to login to the website.
This box has multiple challenges which we can find on the website at port 4200. I think I will have series of posts for the box. Firstly, we are going to look at challenge 1 section. It looks like there are multiple challenges using sudo abusing method.
Also, the author has provided us with the challenge credentials to log into the machine. As soon as I click on the Browser Console button, I land on Shell in the box page.
I logged in with the credentials and looked at the sudo permissions.
Now, we can lookup the changelog of any package. SInce the apt uses linux utility less
, we can invoke shell commands from there.
sudo apt-get changelog git
Lastly, we got the shell and got the root flag as well.
cd /root
ls -al
cat root.txt
So, our second challege is about arp. For arp, we can read a shadow file and try crack the password of root from there.
sudo -l
sudo /usr/sbin/arp -vf /etc/shadow
Unfortunately, I couldn’t copy the hash directly. Therefore, I decided to copy the has using inspect tool of the browser.
I tried cracking the hash but I had no luck. If you guys know anyway to get root shell, please let me know in the comments. Nonetheless, I could open the flag using the same method.
sudo /usr/sbin/arp -vf /root/root.txt
I entered the flag and got the same flag. I guess, the intent of the challenge is to read a restricted file using arp.
The next challenge is of awk.
sudo awk 'BEGIN {system("/bin/bash")}'
We got the root access from here.
sudo base32 /root/root.txt | base32 -d
I believe I am getting the hang of this machine. It looks like the machine’s author wants us to bypass sudo and it’s not always getting shell.
sudo base64 /root/root.txt | base64 -d
sudo cat /root/root.txt
I believe, this box is for learning purpose rather than a challenge. So, I decided to stop the walkthrough here.