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Warez Walkthrough – HackMyVM – Writeup

warez walkthrough writeup hackmyvm security

Warez is a new machine from HackMyVM by SML. This is an easy machine and once you get the idea, you can crack this within a few minutes. If you haven’t tried this yet, I suggest you do so. Finally, the machine works on VirtualBox. “Warez Walkthrough – HackMyVM – Writeup”

Link to the machine:

Find the IP address

Firstly, I identified the IP address of the target.

sudo netdiscover -r
image 5
Netdiscover shows the IP address as

Scan open ports

Next, we have to check for the exposed services on the target.

sudo nmap -v -T4 -p- -A -oN nmap.log
image 6
Nmap scan result

Here, we can see that we have an aria2 downloader on the target. In short, we can use this to download files on the server machine using torrents, links, meta links, etc.

Check the aria2 WebUI

So, when I checked the WebUI, I got a user of the machine as carolina. Also, the server isn’t protected by any authentication mechanism.

image 7
User “carolina” on the target

Thus, I could upload an authorized_keys having my SSH public key in the .ssh directory of the user. However, till now, I didn’t know if .ssh directory was present or not. Anyway, I copied my public key to a file “authorized_keys” on the local machine.

cp ~/.ssh/ authorized_keys

Then, I served the directory.

python3 -m http.server

Now, from the WebUI, I downloaded it to the /home/carolina/.ssh path.

image 8
Upload the authorized_keys

This operation was successful and I could log into the SSH server as the user carolina.

ssh [email protected]
image 9
Carolina user

Root privilege escalation

Now, I had to identify the way to get into the root. Thus, I checked the SUID binaries and found “rtorrent” is one.

find / -perm -4000 -type f -exec ls -al {} \; 2>/dev/null
image 10
SUID binaries

Upon searching the internet on how to execute OS commands using rtorrent, I found that we can use its configuration file.

image 11
execute.throw will execute OS commands and throw an error if not successful

Therefore, I created a file “.rtorrent.rc” that would copy the authorized_keys into the .ssh directory of /root. Also, I had to create the .ssh directory at first.

image 12
Created a configuration file for rtorrent

Now, I have to execute the binary so that it would load the file. Here, I am using “&” at the end to send it to the background. If you missed that, you can use “Ctrl+q” to exit from the rtorrent view.

image 13
Start rtorrent

Since I have started the binary, it has already loaded the configuration file. Hence, I can log into the root user.

image 14
Logged into the root user

Check my walkthrough of R-Temis from Vulnhub

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