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Hacksudo Thor Walkthrough – Vulnhub

hacksudo thor vulnhub walkthrough writeup

Hacksudo Thor is a basic machine from Vulnhub. This is probably the easiest machine from the hacksudo series that I recommend to beginners. And, I tested the machine in VirtualBox. “Hacksudo Thor Walkthrough – Vulnhub”

Link to the machine:,733/

Blogger 1 Walkthrough – Vulnhub – Writeup

Identify the target

Firstly, we have to identify the target machine. For this, we must make sure that the attacking and the target machine are on the same network (either bridged or NAT (I prefer NAT)).

sudo netdiscover -r
image 119
The IP address of the target is The IP address of the attacker machine is

Scan open ports

Next, we have to check the exposed services on the target.

sudo nmap -v -T4 -p- -A -oN nmap.log
image 120
Nmap scan results

Here, we see that only the HTTP port is worth enumerating further.

Enumerate the webserver

The default page didn’t give me anything. It has a form that doesn’t suffer SQL injection.

image 121
Default page

However, we can see a comment in the source of the News page that we can visit using the link. It says cgi-bin.

image 122
Source code of news link

This hints that this apache server might suffer from shellshock vulnerability. For more information, check the following file.

It requires a shell script to be present on the machine. I guessed the filename to be But, we can test that using dirb.

dirb -X .sh

One point to note though, the tool gobuster doesn’t capture status code 500 by default. So, it won’t detect this file because this gives 500 by default.

image 123
Directory bruteforcing using dirb

Shellshock vulnerability has a Metasploit module.

image 124
Use the exploit

Now, we have to set options. Furthermore, I don’t like the console of the Metasploit framework. So, I am also listening on port 9001 using netcat.

nc -nlvp 9001
image 125
Got the meterpreter shell

Then, I spawned a reverse shell in the port that I am listening, i.e. 9001.

image 126
Invoked the reverse shell
image 127
Got the reverse shell

Next, I upgraded the shell. Check the following link for more information.

Upgrade to an intelligent reverse shell

Privilege escalation to user

When we check the sudo permissions of a current user, we find that it can execute a script.

sudo -l
image 128
Sudo permissions of www-data

We can see that the user can execute a script as another user thor. Furthermore, the script suffers from code execution.

sudo -u thor /home/thor/./
image 129
Execution of script

This means that we can get the shell access of the user thor by using ‘bash’ as the input.

image 130
The shell of the user thor

Now, we can simply make it better by using the following command.

SHELL=/bin/bash script -q /dev/null
image 131
The improved shell of thor

Root privilege escalation

Finally, we come to the part where we can get root access. This is also quite simple. If we check the sudo permissions of the user thor, we see a binary that he can execute as root.

image 132
The sudo permissions of the user thor

This can lead us to RPE.

sudo service ../../bin/bash
image 133
Root proof

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